Tuesday, March 20, 2012


By Sara Morris

Instead of planning a big birthday party, one nine year-old hosted a big fundraiser benefiting Flight For Life Colorado.

Andrew Madayag was all smiles as he showed off his bowling skills at Lucky Strike Bowling in Lakewood, CO. But unlike most kids his age, Andrew was bowling for much more than just those lucky strikes on his birthday.

Instead he was bowling for life and to raise money for Flight For Life Colorado.

 “I just really wanted to be the one who helps too,” said Andrew Madayag, who is raising money for Flight For Life Colorado.
Madayag decided that he would give back by asking his friends to donate to Flight For Life Colorado instead of giving him presents.

“It’s better than just having presents,” Andrew Madayag said.

And this isn’t the first year that Andrew has gone without birthday presents. His giving spirit actually began when he was only five years old. That’s when he became interested in those bright orange helicopters.

“We had an in-depth conversation of what those missions of those helicopters actually were… he became even more fascinated at that point,” said Holly Madayag, Andrew’s Mom.

Everyone at Flight For Life Colorado is aware of the thousands of dollars that this young donor has raised for their non-profit organization.

“We transport patients across country and we see everything from trauma to heart attacks and strokes. It’s appreciated immensely and it’s rather unique for someone his age,” said Adam Raffkind a Flight Nurse for Flight For Life Colorado.

Watching the donations pile up at his party is what kept this birthday boy grinning and his parents proud.
“He is old beyond his years and we are just so proud of him,” said Holly.

So far Andrew has raised $3,000 for Flight For Life Colorado. Because this year’s birthday party was the biggest he’s ever hosted, Andrew’s parents are anticipating even more money to be raised this year.

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