Monday, March 12, 2012


By Rick Boone

A Vista, CA fourth grader is determined to kill a bill proposed by Governor Jerry Brown to reduce shelter time for animals.

As a way to cut California's spending, Governor Brown proposed a bill to repeal a law that requires animal shelters to wait six days before they can euthanize a stray animal.  The new law would cut the days to three.
The state reimburses shelters providing food and veterinarian care to stray animals.  By reducing the number of days animals stay in shelters, the state said it could save up to $46 million.

Hannah Conway said if the law is overturned, it will put thousands of pets to death before their owners can retrieve them from the pound.

“I’m very disappointed with Mr. Brown,” Conway said.

Instead of complaining, the 9-year-old started a campaign called “Animals Don’t Have Voices But Kids Do”.  It began at her school, Calvary Christian in Vista, and expanded to the community.  She's collecting hundreds of signatures from people wanting to save those pets.

Conway's teachers said she has always been a determined kid, so her signature campaign was no surprise.
“Hannah always comes in with many opinions on various issues, she’s always been an out-spoken little girl,” said teacher Debbie Peterson.

The state’s finance office will honor Hannah’s campaign, but said her mission isn’t the only item in the budget that could be slashed.

“The governor has 12 other options he has to cut, and we are only cutting the funding to the shelters. It’s up to them to determine how long they want to keep an animal alive,” said H.D. Palmer with California’s Department of Finance.

State Assemblyman Martin Garrick sent Conway a letter letting her know she has his vote.

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